



MedicoFit online

Medicofit online is an online programme intended to treat injuries and remotely monitor training. Numerous athletes have joined our online programmes. We invite you to take part as well.

MedicoFit online is a programme for all patients who have their injuries treated abroad, who are absent or travelling for longer periods of time.

In scope of Medicofit online programmes, we worked with many top athletes and foreign national teams, improving their fitness and treating their injuries.

The first phase of injury rehabilitation includes acute treatment with manual and instrumental therapy and is always conducted in the presence of an expert at Medicofit Clinic.

The second phase of injury rehabilitation includes kinesiotherapy methods, namely various specialised exercises, and can be conducted remotely with the support of our experts.

In scope of Medicofit online programme we offer the following services:

  • the second phase of injury rehabilitation, kinesiotherapy,
  • individual preventive training,
  • specialised individual post-injury training,
  • management of chronic conditions and joint wear,
  • improvement of athletes’ fitness,
  • body shape building.

Before beginning the Medicofit online programme, we perform a diagnostic test of your body and at least 1 package of your chosen service before starting to manage your training strategy or injury treatment remotely. Before going through with the Medicofit online programme, it is of utmost importance to get to know the potential pathologies of your body, function of your musculo-skeletal system and your goals.

Book a diagnostic examination


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